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Gr Hr fUCk - 6:36 p.m. - 2006-02-23

Argh, i'm so pissed off right now and I have no idea why. I guess I sort of do, I like got paid this week and it's not even a-fucking-nuff to pay my debts...and this week they didn't have fucking all for me to and i don't get paid for all so I can't even start saving. I'm really sick of just getting the shit, why can't I get a decent job already. It's not like am retarded..or am I?
So I don't think food is a priority again, I think fuck all food and lack of sleep is making this worse. I hate being this poor and I hate being away from Burukku-chan so much.
I don't know what's going on, I just want to have a normal fucking job where I actually get enough to pay my bills and actually work all week.
I got sunburnt yesterday too, fucking's not just that i'm sunburnt..I hate the fucking tanned look...I had a good fucking winter whiteness.
So this week has been fucked up with work, on monday I worked the last day for that company, so tuesday I was off so I went to see a guy hopefully who would give me a job..he wasn't there...the only day of the week he wasn't there. Great, so I wasted a day off.
Then the next day I waited around at work till about 10-o-fucking clock since 6.30, then I got a job out fucking north shore which was about 1 hr work and I had to wait and sit around till about 3 when I got back, then I had to walk home for an hour because I don't have money or anything for a bus. Not like it goes that way anyways.
Argh, I wish this fucking feeling would go away. I'm sick of feeling angry inside...I can't think properly and i'm just stressing...I wish I didn't feel so angry, it's not like me and it's making me even angrier that I feel angry. Everything fucking irritates me X____X

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