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Christian Corporation - 10:12 p.m. - 2006-03-03

Random song I wrote.

Fucking Christian Corporation!!!

Just one fucking big company,
You just want to control me,
Where does all your fucking money go?
What does god make you pay church tax now?

Your workers are out there spreading shit,
And what the fuck,
they aren't even paid for it

Why do you want to control the way I fuck?
Why do you want to control the way I think?
Fuck you and your fucking christian corporation.

What a perfect setup,
Free workers,
A percent of your slaves pay,
Could you have it any better way?

Why do you want to control the way I fuck?
Why do you want to control the way I think?
Fuck you and your fucking christian corporation.

My mind is one you will not twist,
You're not going to control my life
Fuck you and your fucking christian corporation.

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